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Music and why it's a great source for all

So music is your forte, I'd recommend youtube or iheartradio depending on what you are into.

It aids you by listening to sweet and soft sounds to hard, heavy fast sounds or inbetween while making time fly by. Some music will make you cry, some will make you sweat, and some will make you want to dance all day long. It's the way of life, and even you reading this can make music by just opening your mouth; inhaling air and exhaling words of choice out using your diaphragm while adjusting tones and making it fun. It's hard at first, but with everything practice makes perfect and perfectness will never exist. -;) Now you are here, listen to some music I picked out for you.

And best part music keeps getting better and better, newer and fresher. So if you are looking for something between jazz and rock, I bet you could find it. If you are looking for country/rock mix, there is that now. If you want to make a new mixture, or something fresh and out of the box, you can do that. Get instruments you are into, or what you think you could play and enjoy the stress releif. Play your heart out or sing your heart out, do what you please.

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